Lower back pain

Live your healthiest, most pain free life

Lower back pain is a prevalent physical pain disorder, affecting people of all ages, including teenagers. This is our guide to understanding lower back pain, its symptoms, and treatment plans. Find out everything about it here and choose the best lower back and knee pain treatment for you.

Overview of Lower Back Pain

The lower back is the fundamental framework upon which our upper body is supported. Lower back pain is the term for the discomfort we feel in this region. Consider this pain as an indication that something is wrong and begin your search for the best lower back pain treatment near me.

Popular Symptoms

  1. Pain Location: When the area between your ribcage and hips starts to hurt, it’s usually lower back pain.
  2. Pain Type: Lower back pain can feel like a sharp pain with a constant throbbing sensation.
  3. Stiffness:: Your lower back might feel stiff which with time makes it difficult to move comfortably.
  4. Muscle Tension: Patients with lower back pain experience muscle spasms regularly.
  5. Radicular pain: Pain or discomfort in the legs or the hip region can sometimes be a sign of lower back pain spread across the lower body.

Treatment Options

  1. Conservative Care: Some of the common nonsurgical treatments for lower back pain include:
  • Rest: Give your back some time to heal. Take frequent breaks especially when you experience back pain. 
  • Physical Therapy: Hire experienced physical therapists to teach you some exercises that strengthen your back muscles and increase flexibility. 
  • Heat/Cold Therapy: Use hot or cold packs on the lower back to reduce pain and inflammation.
  1. Pharmacologic Alternatives: Here are some of the popular medications for instant pain relief:
  • Pain Relievers: Drugs like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help manage pain. 
  • Muscle Relaxants: Doctors also recommend muscle relaxants which can reduce muscle spasms. 
  • Prescription Medications: If the above-mentioned medication doesn’t work, visit your doctor and get a prescription for stronger medications.
  1. Pain Medicine Interventions: These are referred to as the back pain lower back treatment that targets pain directly.
  • Corticosteroid Injections: These injections are used to reduce inflammation and pain. 
  • Ultrasound-Guided Procedures: Ultrasound helps doctors check the body from the inside and aim injections accurately. 
  • Fluoroscopic-Guided Procedures: Fluoroscopy is quite similar to an X-ray and is also opted for to inject pain medicine accurately.
  1. Surgical Procedures: Surgery for lower back and knee pain treatment is usually the last resort.
  • Discectomy: This is the process of removing the damaged disc from the spine. 
  • Spinal Fusion: Surgeons perform spinal fusion which is a technique where two or more bones in the spine are connected.

Anatomical Structures

Understand your lower back’s anatomy to comprehend your pain better.

  1. Vertebrae: Vertebrae are the bones that make the spine. The lumbar spine is your lower back area.
  2.  Discs: Discs are shock absorbers that are situated within each vertebra.
  3. Nerves: Nerves are cables that run through our whole body including the spine and can be a source of pain if compressed.

Lower back pain is irritating, and painful, and prevents you from living your life to the fullest. Therefore, you must take proper treatment to get pain relief effectively and quickly. Look for the best lower back pain treatment near me and seek professional help now.